Alice Blue Review     Alain Badiou, Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art    BOMB Magazine    Gavin Bryars, "Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet"    Albert Camus, The Rebel    Cannibal    Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus    Vicente Huidobro, Altazor    Jacket    Youna Kwak, four poems    Left Facing Bird    Larry Levis, The Dollmaker's Ghost & Elegy    Machine Project    Chris Marker, Sans Soleil    Herman Melville, Moby Dick    New American Writing    Octopus Magazine    Kenneth Patchen, In Quest of Candlelighters     Republic Art    Rhizome    Frank Stanford, The Battlefield Where the Moon Says I Love You    Nathaniel Tarn, The Embattled Lyric: Essays and Conversations in Poetics and Anthropology    Tarpaulin Sky    Trickhouse     Greta Wrolstad, Notes on Sea and Shore